



Maintaining a relationship with your student’s teacher. Stay in contact through Schoology, email, phone, and notes. 问你学生的老师很多问题.

Develop your student’s procedural proficiency by practicing math facts with them.  就像学生应该每天在家阅读一样, they should also practice mathematics at home every day. 

Help your student develop the attributes of a math learner by using 通过提问来学习策略.

促进有效利用家庭作业时间 帮助孩子做家庭作业手册 以及下面的资源.

Choosea few of the following strategies and use them throughout the year. They are intended to help increase your child’s understanding of math skills and to develop confidence in learning.

  • Provide activities that enrich and relate mathematics to daily life:
    • 讨论晚餐要放多少碗
    • 把餐巾折叠成不同的形状
    • Have your child count similar items as you put away groceries
    • Have your child help measure ingredients for recipes
    • Give your child change to count out to pay for small purchases at the store; have older children calculate the change
    • Ask your child to compare prices of items by asking things like,哪一罐豆子更贵?”
    • Allow your child to weigh the fresh produce; have older children calculate the price by multiplying the price per pound by the number of pounds
    • 阅读日历上的日期和日期, 谈论一个月的天数, 天数:距离某一特殊事件的剩余天数, etc.
    • Draw a scale map of your home and determine the best escape route in case of an emergency
    • 旅行时, write numbers on a grid and have your child color in the box as they see the numbers on signs or license plates
  • 每天检查孩子的作业清单
  • Monitor daily work and be aware of the content being studied
  • Use computer software or online games or apps to practice math skills at home
  • 在家提供一些数学活动:
    • Each person rolls the dice and adds, subtracts, or multiplies the numbers
    • 骰子和钱.  Each person rolls a die and gets the number of pennies as dots shown. 当有人得到五便士, 他们用它换了一个五分镍币, dime, 诸如此类, 直到它们能换到一美元
    • 两人份, 从一副牌中给每人13张, 让每个人抛一张牌吗, then have your child decide whose card has the higher value to determine who wins the set of cards. In a tie, 另外放三张牌面朝下, then turn the last card up; the higher card on that turn wins all the cards. 一直玩到一个人拿到牌堆里所有的牌为止
    • 报刊杂志.  找到打印的数字并把它们剪下来, then glue them in the correct order onto a larger sheet of paper
    • 保持空容器, 在上面写上不同的价格, then play Store by using a calculator to add up the prices for different purchases

Encourage your child to count and recognize pattern and color in the environment by discussing what they see:

  • 走廊的墙是什么颜色? 你的数学课本是什么颜色的?
  • 街对面那所房子的门牌号是多少?
  • How many objects are left on the table if I take one away?
  • 从学校大楼出去有几个出口?
  • 操场上有多少个秋千?
  • Have your child look for patterns on building, rugs, floors, and clothing.
  • 以2、5或10为单位口数
  • 完成连点图
  • Have your child make a number book which contains a page for each numeral from one to ten. 在每一页上, have your child glue clippings from newspapers and magazines illustrating that number concept (two dogs, 三个鸭子, 或四匹马). 随着孩子数字识别能力的提高, they can add to the book and add numerical figures used in various ways.
  • Count and pair objects found around the house and determine whether there’s an odd or even number of items.
  • Review math facts at home, in the car, waiting in line, or during other downtime.
  • 为你的孩子提供口头数学题.“Take the number five; add six; multiply by three; subtract three; divide by five. 你的答案是什么??”Speak slowly at first until your child gets better at solving these mental problems; then speak more quickly.
  • Help your child identify ads in signs, newspapers, and magazines that use percentages
  • 鼓励孩子阅读营养标签. Have them calculate the percent of protein in each item
  • Fold a sheet of paper in half and have your child draw a shape along the fold; cut out the shape and unfold the paper to see a symmetrical shape.
  • Look around the house for different geometric shapes, 比如三角形, squares, circles, 和矩形
  • 使用家用物品(如牙签), 棉花糖, straws, 编织袋, sticks, 或纸)构造形状
  • Help your child recognize and identify real-world examples of right angles (the corner of a book) and parallel lines (railroad tracks)
  • While driving together, direct your child to look for objects with the same size and shape
  • Teach your child how to set the kitchen timer when you’re cooking.
  • Draw an analog clock face with the hour and minute hands showing eight o’clock. 让孩子写下所显示的时间
  • 整理各种物品(书籍), boxes, 和罐头)由各种尺寸和测量(长度, weight, (volume)属性. Talk with your child about how they are arranged using comparison words like taller, shorter, 窄, wider, 最重的, lightest, more, less, about, and same
  • 使用标准的测量工具(尺子), 卷尺, or a yardstick) to measure objects located in the house.
  • Gather 卷尺, a yardstick, a ruler, a cup, a gallon container, and a scale. Discuss the various things you and your child can measure with each
  • 检查度量的等效名称. 例如,“一品脱有多少杯??”
  • Encourage your child to incorporate such terms as whole, halves, thirds, 四分之一是他或她的日常生活
  • 打开一包彩虹糖或M&M’s  and make a bar graph showing the number of each color found inside the pack.
  • Look through your science textbook and find three examples of different types of graphs.
  • 在地图上找出地点的坐标.
  • 看一个星期的新闻, 写下每天的温度, 然后画出这一周的天气温度.
  • Track the scores of ball games played by your favorite team, then graph these scores over a period of several weeks.
  • Have your child make a list of things that could never happen, 可能发生的事情, 以及肯定会发生的事情
  • Encourage your child to figure out answers to real-life situations:“我们有一罐金枪鱼,还需要五罐. 我们还需要买多少?”
  • 提出涉及平等分享的问题. 例如,七个孩子共用49张棒球卡. 每个孩子得到多少张卡片?”
  • Help your child look up the population and land area of the state and city in which you live and compare these facts with those of other states and cities.
  • 请访问该网站,了解美国.S. 人口普查局 at and have your child write three interesting pieces of information that he or she learned from the web site.